Source code for spaudiopy.sph

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Spherical Harmonics.

.. plot::
    :context: reset

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.rcParams['axes.grid'] = True

    import spaudiopy as spa

    spa.plot.sh_coeffs_subplot([np.sqrt(4*np.pi) * np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]),
                                 np.sqrt(4/3*np.pi) * np.array([0, 1, 0, 0]),
                                 np.sqrt(4/3*np.pi) * np.array([0, 0, 1, 0]),
                                 np.sqrt(4/3*np.pi) * np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])],
                                titles=["$Y_{0, 0}$", "$Y_{1, -1}$",
                                        "$Y_{1, 0}$", "$Y_{1, 1}$"])

import numpy as np
from scipy import special as scyspecial

from . import utils, grids

[docs]def sh_matrix(N_sph, azi, zen, sh_type='real'): r"""Evaluates the spherical harmonics up to order `N_sph` for given angles. Matrix returns spherical harmonics up to order :math:`N` evaluated at the given angles/grid. .. math:: \mathbf{Y} = \left[ \begin{array}{ccccc} Y_0^0(\theta[0], \phi[0]) & Y_1^{-1}(\theta[0], \phi[0]) & Y_1^0(\theta[0], \phi[0]) & \dots & Y_N^N(\theta[0], \phi[0]) \\ Y_0^0(\theta[1], \phi[1]) & Y_1^{-1}(\theta[1], \phi[1]) & Y_1^0(\theta[1], \phi[1]) & \dots & Y_N^N(\theta[1], \phi[1]) \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ Y_0^0(\theta[Q-1], \phi[Q-1]) & Y_1^{-1}(\theta[Q-1], \phi[Q-1]) & Y_1^0(\theta[Q-1], \phi[Q-1]) & \dots & Y_N^N(\theta[Q-1], \phi[Q-1]) \end{array} \right] where .. math:: Y_n^m(\theta, \phi) = \sqrt{\frac{2n + 1}{4 \pi} \frac{(n-m)!}{(n+m)!}} P_n^m(\cos \theta) e^{i m \phi} When using `sh_type='real'`, the real spherical harmonics :math:`Y_{n,m}(\theta, \phi)` are implemented as a relation to :math:`Y_n^m(\theta, \phi)`. Parameters ---------- N_sph : int Maximum SH order. azi : (Q,) array_like Azimuth. zen : (Q,) array_like Colatitude / Zenith. sh_type : 'complex' or 'real' spherical harmonics. Returns ------- Ymn : (Q, (N+1)**2) numpy.ndarray Matrix of spherical harmonics. Notes ----- The convention used here is also known as N3D-ACN (for sh_type='real'). """ azi = utils.asarray_1d(azi) zen = utils.asarray_1d(zen) if azi.ndim == 0: Q = 1 else: Q = len(azi) if sh_type == 'complex': Ymn = np.zeros([Q, (N_sph+1)**2], dtype=np.complex_) elif sh_type == 'real': Ymn = np.zeros([Q, (N_sph+1)**2], dtype=np.float_) else: raise ValueError('sh_type unknown.') idx = 0 for n in range(N_sph+1): for m in range(-n, n+1): if sh_type == 'complex': Ymn[:, idx] = scyspecial.sph_harm(m, n, azi, zen) elif sh_type == 'real': if m == 0: Ymn[:, idx] = np.real( scyspecial.sph_harm(0, n, azi, zen)) if m < 0: Ymn[:, idx] = np.sqrt(2) * (-1) ** abs(m) * \ np.imag( scyspecial.sph_harm(abs(m), n, azi, zen)) if m > 0: Ymn[:, idx] = np.sqrt(2) * (-1) ** abs(m) * \ np.real( scyspecial.sph_harm(abs(m), n, azi, zen)) idx += 1 return Ymn
[docs]def sht(f, N_sph, azi, zen, sh_type, weights=None, Y_nm=None): """Spherical harmonics transform of f for appropriate point sets. If f is a QxS matrix then the transform is applied to each column of f, and returns the coefficients at each column of F_nm respectively. Parameters ---------- f : (Q, S) The spherical function(S) evaluated at Q directions 'azi/zen'. N_sph : int Maximum SH order. azi : (Q,) array_like Azimuth. zen : (Q,) array_like Colatitude / Zenith. sh_type : 'complex' or 'real' spherical harmonics. weights : (Q,) array_like, optional Quadrature weights. Y_nm : (Q, (N+1)**2) numpy.ndarray, optional Matrix of spherical harmonics. Returns ------- F_nm : ((N+1)**2, S) numpy.ndarray Matrix of spherical harmonics coefficients of spherical function(S). """ if f.ndim == 1: f = f[:, np.newaxis] # upgrade to handle 1D arrays if Y_nm is None: Y_nm = sh_matrix(N_sph, azi, zen, sh_type) if weights is None: Npoints = Y_nm.shape[0] Y_nm_transform = (4*np.pi / Npoints) * Y_nm.conj() else: Y_nm_transform = Y_nm.conj() # weights should sum to 4pi f =, f) return np.matmul(Y_nm_transform.T, f)
[docs]def sht_lstsq(f, N_sph, azi, zen, sh_type, Y_nm=None): """Spherical harmonics transform of f as least-squares solution. If f is a QxS matrix then the transform is applied to each column of f, and returns the coefficients at each column of F_nm respectively. Parameters ---------- f : (Q, S) The spherical function(S) evaluated at Q directions 'azi/zen'. N_sph : int Maximum SH order. azi : (Q,) array_like Azimuth. zen : (Q,) array_like Colatitude / Zenith. sh_type : 'complex' or 'real' spherical harmonics. Y_nm : (Q, (N+1)**2) numpy.ndarray, optional Matrix of spherical harmonics. Returns ------- F_nm : ((N+1)**2, S) numpy.ndarray Matrix of spherical harmonics coefficients of spherical function(S). """ if f.ndim == 1: f = f[:, np.newaxis] # upgrade to handle 1D arrays if Y_nm is None: Y_nm = sh_matrix(N_sph, azi, zen, sh_type) return np.linalg.lstsq(Y_nm, f, rcond=None)[0]
[docs]def inverse_sht(F_nm, azi, zen, sh_type, N_sph=None, Y_nm=None): """Perform the inverse spherical harmonics transform. Parameters ---------- F_nm : ((N+1)**2, S) numpy.ndarray Matrix of spherical harmonics coefficients of spherical function(S). azi : (Q,) array_like Azimuth. zen : (Q,) array_like Colatitude / Zenith. sh_type : 'complex' or 'real' spherical harmonics. N_sph : int, optional Maximum SH order. Y_nm : (Q, (N+1)**2) numpy.ndarray, optional Matrix of spherical harmonics. Returns ------- f : (Q, S) The spherical function(S) evaluated at Q directions 'azi/zen'. """ if F_nm.ndim == 1: F_nm = F_nm[:, np.newaxis] # upgrade to handle 1D arrays if N_sph is None: N_sph = int(np.sqrt(F_nm.shape[0]) - 1) if Y_nm is None: Y_nm = sh_matrix(N_sph, azi, zen, sh_type) # perform the inverse transform up to degree N return np.matmul(Y_nm, F_nm[:(N_sph + 1) ** 2, :])
[docs]def sh_rotation_matrix(N_sph, yaw, pitch, roll, sh_type='real', return_as_blocks=False): """Computes a Wigner-D matrix for the rotation of spherical harmonics. Parameters ---------- N_sph : int Maximum SH order. yaw: float Rotation around Z axis. pitch: float Rotation around Y axis. roll: float Rotation around X axis. sh_type : 'complex' or 'real' spherical harmonics. Currently only 'real' is supported. return_as_blocks: optional, default is False. Return full block diagonal matrix, or a list of blocks if True. Returns ------- R: (..., (N_sph+1)**2, (N_sph+1)**2) numpy.ndarray A block diagonal matrix R with shape (..., (N_sph+1)**2, (N_sph+1)**2), or a list r_blocks of numpy arrays [r(n) for n in range(N_sph)], where the shape of r is (..., 2*n-1, 2*n-1). See Also -------- :py:func:`spaudiopy.sph.rotate_sh` : Apply rotation to SH signals. References ---------- Implemented according to: Ivanic, Joseph, and Klaus Ruedenberg. "Rotation matrices for real spherical harmonics. Direct determination by recursion." The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100.15 (1996): 6342-6347. Ported from . """ if sh_type == 'complex': raise NotImplementedError( 'Currently only real valued SHs can be rotated') elif sh_type == 'real': pass else: raise ValueError('Unknown SH type') rot_mat_cartesian = utils.rotation_euler(yaw, pitch, roll) r_blocks = [np.array([[1]])] # change order to y, z, x r1 = rot_mat_cartesian[..., [1, 2, 0], :] r1 = r1[..., :, [1, 2, 0]] r_blocks.append(r1) # auxiliary functions def _rot_p_func(i, l, a, b, r1, rlm1): ri1 = r1[..., i + 1, 2] rim1 = r1[..., i + 1, 0] ri0 = r1[..., i + 1, 1] if b == -l: return (ri1 * rlm1[..., a + l - 1, 0] + rim1 * rlm1[..., a + l - 1, 2 * l - 2]) elif b == l: return (ri1 * rlm1[..., a + l - 1, 2 * l - 2] - rim1 * rlm1[..., a + l - 1, 0]) else: return ri0 * rlm1[..., a + l - 1, b + l - 1] def _rot_u_func(l, m, n, r1, rlm1): return _rot_p_func(0, l, m, n, r1, rlm1) def _rot_v_func(l, m, n, r1, rlm1): if m == 0: p0 = _rot_p_func(1, l, 1, n, r1, rlm1) p1 = _rot_p_func(-1, l, -1, n, r1, rlm1) return p0 + p1 elif m > 0: p0 = _rot_p_func(1, l, m - 1, n, r1, rlm1) if m == 1: return p0 * np.sqrt(2) else: return p0 - _rot_p_func(-1, l, 1 - m, n, r1, rlm1) else: p1 = _rot_p_func(-1, l, -m - 1, n, r1, rlm1) if m == -1: return p1 * np.sqrt(2) else: return p1 + _rot_p_func(1, l, m + 1, n, r1, rlm1) def _rot_w_func(l, m, n, r1, rlm1): if m > 0: p0 = _rot_p_func(1, l, m + 1, n, r1, rlm1) p1 = _rot_p_func(-1, l, -m - 1, n, r1, rlm1) return p0 + p1 elif m < 0: p0 = _rot_p_func(1, l, m - 1, n, r1, rlm1) p1 = _rot_p_func(-1, l, 1 - m, n, r1, rlm1) return p0 - p1 return 0 rlm1 = r1 for l in range(2, N_sph + 1): rl = np.zeros((2 * l + 1, 2 * l + 1)) for m in range(-l, l + 1): for n in range(-l, l + 1): d = int(m == 0) if abs(n) == l: denom = (2 * l) * (2 * l - 1) else: denom = l * l - n * n u = np.sqrt((l * l - m * m) / denom) v = ( np.sqrt((1.0 + d) * (l + abs(m) - 1.0) * (l + abs(m)) / denom) * (1.0 - 2.0 * d) * 0.5 ) w = ( np.sqrt((l - abs(m) - 1.0) * (l - abs(m)) / denom) * (1.0 - d) * (-0.5) ) if u != 0: u *= _rot_u_func(l, m, n, r1, rlm1) if v != 0: v *= _rot_v_func(l, m, n, r1, rlm1) if w != 0: w *= _rot_w_func(l, m, n, r1, rlm1) rl[..., m + l, n + l] = u + v + w r_blocks.append(rl) rlm1 = rl if return_as_blocks: return r_blocks else: # compose a block-diagonal matrix R = np.zeros(2*[(N_sph+1)**2]) index = 0 for r_block in r_blocks: R[..., index:index + r_block.shape[-1], index:index + r_block.shape[-1]] = r_block index += r_block.shape[-1] return R
[docs]def rotate_sh(F_nm, yaw, pitch, roll, sh_type='real'): """Rotate spherical harmonics coefficients. Parameters ---------- F_nm : (..., (N_sph+1)**2) numpy.ndarray Spherical harmonics coefficients yaw: float Rotation around Z axis. pitch: float Rotation around Y axis. roll: float Rotation around X axis. sh_type : 'complex' or 'real' spherical harmonics. Currently only 'real' is supported. Returns ------- F_nm_rot : (..., (N_sph+1)**2) numpy.ndarray Rotated spherical harmonics coefficients. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs N_sph = 5 y1 = spa.sph.sh_matrix(N_sph, 0, np.pi/2, 'real') y2 = 0.5 * spa.sph.sh_matrix(N_sph, np.pi/3, np.pi/2, 'real') y_org = (4 * np.pi) / (N_sph + 1)**2 * (y1 + y2) y_rot = spa.sph.rotate_sh(y_org, -np.pi/2, np.pi/8, np.pi/4) spa.plot.sh_coeffs_subplot([y_org, y_rot], titles=['before', 'after'], cbar=False) """ if sh_type == 'complex': raise NotImplementedError( 'Currently only real valued SHs can be rotated') elif sh_type == 'real': pass else: raise ValueError('Unknown SH type') N_sph = np.sqrt(F_nm.shape[-1]) - 1 assert N_sph == np.floor(N_sph), 'Invalid number of coefficients' N_sph = int(N_sph) R = sh_rotation_matrix(N_sph, yaw, pitch, roll, sh_type) return np.atleast_2d(F_nm) @ R.T
[docs]def check_cond_sht(N_sph, azi, zen, sh_type, lim=None): """Check if condition number for a least-squares SHT(N_sph) is high.""" if lim is None: lim = N_sph + N_sph / 2 Y = sh_matrix(N_sph, azi, zen, sh_type) c = np.zeros(N_sph + 1) YYn = np.matmul(Y.conj().T, Y) c = np.linalg.cond(YYn) if np.any(c > lim): print("High condition number! " + str(c)) return c
[docs]def n3d_to_sn3d(F_nm, sh_axis=0): """Convert N3D (orthonormal) to SN3D (Schmidt semi-normalized) signals. Parameters ---------- F_nm : ((N_sph+1)**2, S) numpy.ndarray Matrix of spherical harmonics coefficients of spherical function(S). sh_axis : int, optional SH axis. The default is 0. Returns ------- F_nm : ((N_sph+1)**2, S) numpy.ndarray Matrix of spherical harmonics coefficients of spherical function(S). """ assert (F_nm.ndim == 2) # Input SH order N = int(np.sqrt(F_nm.shape[sh_axis]) - 1) # 1/sqrt(2n+1) conversion factor n_norm = np.array([1/np.sqrt(2*n + 1) for n in range(N + 1)]) # Broadcast n_norm = np.expand_dims(repeat_per_order(n_norm), axis=sh_axis-1) return n_norm * F_nm
[docs]def sn3d_to_n3d(F_nm, sh_axis=0): """Convert SN3D (Schmidt semi-normalized) to N3D (orthonormal) signals. Parameters ---------- F_nm : ((N_sph+1)**2, S) numpy.ndarray Matrix of spherical harmonics coefficients of spherical function(S). sh_axis : int, optional SH axis. The default is 0. Returns ------- F_nm : ((N_sph+1)**2, S) numpy.ndarray Matrix of spherical harmonics coefficients of spherical function(S). """ assert (F_nm.ndim == 2) # Input SH order N = int(np.sqrt(F_nm.shape[sh_axis]) - 1) # sqrt(2n+1) conversion factor n_norm = np.array([np.sqrt(2*n + 1) for n in range(N + 1)]) # Broadcast n_norm = np.expand_dims(repeat_per_order(n_norm), axis=sh_axis-1) return n_norm * F_nm
[docs]def platonic_solid(shape): """Return coordinates of shape='tetrahedron' only, yet.""" if shape in ['tetra', 'tetrahedron']: u = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, -1, -1], [-1, 1, -1], [-1, -1, 1]]/np.sqrt(3)) return u
[docs]def sh_to_b(F_nm, W_weight=None): """Convert first order SH input signals to B-format. Parameters ---------- F_nm : (4, S) numpy.ndarray First order spherical harmonics function coefficients. W-weight : float Weight on W channel. Returns ------- B_nm : (4, S) numpy.ndarray B-format signal(S). """ # B-format if W_weight is None: # Traditionally W_weight = 1 / np.sqrt(2) W_weight = 1 # Conversion matrix SH to B M = np.sqrt(4*np.pi) * np.array([[W_weight, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1/np.sqrt(3)], [0, 1/np.sqrt(3), 0, 0], [0, 0, 1/np.sqrt(3), 0]]) return np.apply_along_axis(, 0, F_nm, M.T)
[docs]def b_to_sh(B, W_weight=None): """Convert B-format input to first order SH signals. Parameters ---------- B_nm : (4, S) numpy.ndarray B-format signal(S). W-weight : float Weight on W channel. Returns ------- F_nm : (4, S) numpy.ndarray First order spherical harmonics function coefficients. """ # B-format if W_weight is None: # Traditionally W_weight = 1 / np.sqrt(2) W_weight = 1 # Conversion matrix SH to B M = np.sqrt(4*np.pi) * np.array([[W_weight, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1/np.sqrt(3)], [0, 1/np.sqrt(3), 0, 0], [0, 0, 1/np.sqrt(3), 0]]) M_inv = np.linalg.inv(M) return np.apply_along_axis(, 0, B, M_inv.T)
[docs]def soundfield_to_b(sig, W_weight=None): """Convert soundfield tetraeder mic input signals to B-format by SHT. Parameters ---------- sig : (4, S) Tetraeder mic signals(S). W-weight : float Weight on W channel. Returns ------- B_nm : (4, S) numpy.ndarray B-format signal(S). """ # get tetraeder position N_sph = 1 t = platonic_solid('tetrahedron') t_az, t_zen, t_r = utils.cart2sph(t[:, 0], t[:, 1], t[:, 2]) # SHT of input signal F_nm = sht(sig, N_sph, azi=t_az, zen=t_zen, sh_type='real') return sh_to_b(F_nm, W_weight)
[docs]def src_to_b(sig, src_azi, src_zen): """Get B format signal channels for source in direction azi/zen.""" sig = utils.asarray_1d(sig) src_azi = utils.asarray_1d(src_azi) src_zen = utils.asarray_1d(src_zen) gw = np.ones(len(src_azi)) gx, gy, gz = utils.sph2cart(src_azi, src_zen) g = np.c_[gw, gx, gy, gz] return np.outer(g, sig)
[docs]def src_to_sh(sig, src_azi, src_zen, N_sph, sh_type='real'): """Source signal(s) plane wave encoded in spherical harmonics. Parameters ---------- sig : (num_src, S) numpy.ndarray Source signal(s). src_azi : array_like src_zen : array_like N_sph : int sh_type : 'real' (default) or 'complex', optional Returns ------- ((N_sph+1)**2, S) numpy.ndarray Source signal(s) in SHD. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs src_sig = np.array([1, 0.5], ndmin=2).T * np.random.randn(2, 1000) N_sph = 3 src_azi = [np.pi/2, -np.pi/3] src_zen = [np.pi/4, np.pi/2] sig_nm = spa.sph.src_to_sh(src_sig, src_azi, src_zen, N_sph) spa.plot.sh_rms_map(sig_nm) """ sig = np.atleast_2d(sig) src_azi = utils.asarray_1d(src_azi) src_zen = utils.asarray_1d(src_zen) Y_nm = sh_matrix(N_sph, src_azi, src_zen, sh_type=sh_type) return Y_nm.conj().T @ sig
[docs]def bandlimited_dirac(N_sph, d, w_n=None): r"""Order N spatially bandlimited Dirac pulse at central angle d. Parameters ---------- N_sph : int SH order. d : (Q,) array_like Central angle in rad. w_n : (N_sph,) array_like, optional. Default is None. Tapering window w_n. Returns ------- dirac : (Q,) array_like Amplitude at central angle d. Notes ----- Normalize with .. math:: \sum^N \frac{2N + 1}{4 \pi} = \frac{(N+1)^2}{4 \pi} . References ---------- Rafaely, B. (2015). Fundamentals of Spherical Array Processing. Springer., eq. (1.60). Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs dirac_azi = np.deg2rad(0) dirac_zen = np.deg2rad(90) N_sph = 5 # cross section azi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 720, endpoint=True) # Bandlimited Dirac pulse dirac_bandlim = 4 * np.pi / (N_sph + 1) ** 2 * \ spa.sph.bandlimited_dirac(N_sph, azi - dirac_azi) spa.plot.polar(azi, dirac_bandlim) """ d = utils.asarray_1d(d) if w_n is None: w_n = np.ones(N_sph + 1) assert (len(w_n) == N_sph + 1), "Provide weight per order." g_n = np.zeros([(N_sph + 1)**2, len(d)]) for n, i in enumerate(range(N_sph + 1)): g_n[i, :] = w_n[i] * (2 * n + 1) / (4 * np.pi) * \ scyspecial.eval_legendre(n, np.cos(d)) dirac = np.sum(g_n, axis=0) return dirac
[docs]def max_rE_weights(N_sph): """Return max-rE modal weight coefficients for spherical harmonics order N. See Also -------- :py:func:`spaudiopy.sph.unity_gain` : Unit amplitude compensation. References ---------- Zotter, F., & Frank, M. (2012). All-Round Ambisonic Panning and Decoding. Journal of Audio Engineering Society, eq. (10). Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs dirac_azi = np.deg2rad(45) dirac_zen = np.deg2rad(45) N = 5 # cross section azi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 720, endpoint=True) # Bandlimited Dirac pulse, with max r_E tapering window w_n = spa.sph.max_rE_weights(N) w_n = spa.sph.unity_gain(w_n) dirac_tapered = spa.sph.bandlimited_dirac(N, azi - dirac_azi, w_n=w_n) spa.plot.polar(azi, dirac_tapered) """ theta = np.deg2rad(137.9) / (N_sph + 1.51) a_n = scyspecial.eval_legendre(np.arange(N_sph + 1), np.cos(theta)) return a_n
[docs]def r_E(p, g): """Calculate r_E vector and magnitude from loudspeaker gains. Parameters ---------- p : (Q, 3) numpy.ndarray Q loudspeaker position vectors. g : (S, Q) numpy.ndarray Q gain vectors per source S. Returns ------- rE : (S, 3) numpy.ndarray rE vector. rE_mag : (S,) array_like rE magnitude (radius). References ---------- Zotter, F., & Frank, M. (2012). All-Round Ambisonic Panning and Decoding. Journal of Audio Engineering Society, eq. (16). """ p = np.atleast_2d(p) g = np.atleast_2d(g) assert (p.shape[0] == g.shape[1]), 'Provide gain per speaker!' E = np.sum(g**2, axis=1) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): rE = np.diag(1 / E) @ (g**2 @ p) rE_mag = np.sqrt(np.sum(rE**2, axis=1)) # catch division by zero NaN rE_mag = np.nan_to_num(rE_mag) return rE, rE_mag
[docs]def project_on_sphere(x, y, z): """Little helper that projects x, y, z onto unit sphere.""" phi, theta, r = utils.cart2sph(x, y, z) r = np.ones_like(r) return utils.sph2cart(phi, theta, r)
[docs]def repeat_per_order(c): """Repeat each coefficient in 'c' m times per spherical order n. Parameters ---------- c : (N,) array_like Coefficients up to SH order N. Returns ------- c_reshaped : ((N+1)**2,) array like Reshaped input coefficients. """ c = utils.asarray_1d(c) N = len(c) - 1 return np.repeat(c, 2*np.arange(N+1)+1)
[docs]def spherical_hn2(n, z, derivative=False): """Spherical Hankel function of the second kind. Parameters ---------- n : int, array_like Order of the spherical Hankel function (n >= 0). z : complex or float, array_like Argument of the spherical Hankel function. derivative : bool, optional If True, the value of the derivative (rather than the function itself) is returned. Returns ------- hn2 : array_like References ---------- """ with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): yi = 1j * scyspecial.spherical_yn(n, z, derivative) return scyspecial.spherical_jn(n, z, derivative) - yi
[docs]def mode_strength(n, kr, sphere_type='rigid'): """Mode strength b_n(kr) for an incident plane wave on sphere. Parameters ---------- n : int Degree. kr : array_like kr vector, product of wavenumber k and radius r_0. sphere_type : 'rigid' or 'open' Returns ------- b_n : array_like Mode strength b_n(kr). References ---------- Rafaely, B. (2015). Fundamentals of Spherical Array Processing. Springer. eq. (4.4) and (4.5). """ if sphere_type == 'open': b_n = 4*np.pi*1j**n * scyspecial.spherical_jn(n, kr) elif sphere_type == 'rigid': b_n = 4*np.pi*1j**n * (scyspecial.spherical_jn(n, kr) - (scyspecial.spherical_jn(n, kr, True) / spherical_hn2(n, kr, True)) * spherical_hn2(n, kr)) else: raise ValueError('sphere_type Not implemented.') return b_n
[docs]def pressure_on_sphere(N_sph, kr, weights=None): """Calculate the diffuse field pressure frequency response of a spherical scatterer, up to SH order N. Parameters ---------- N_sph : int SH order. kr : array_like kr vector, product of wavenumber k and radius r_0. weights : (N_sph+1,) array_like SH order weights. Returns ------- p : array_like Pressure p(kr)|N. References ---------- Ben-Hur, Z., Brinkmann, F., Sheaffer, J., (2017). Spectral equalization in binaural signals represented by order-truncated spherical harmonics. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, eq. (11). """ p_N = np.zeros_like(kr) if weights is None: weights = np.ones(N_sph + 1) for n in range(N_sph + 1): p_N += weights[n] * (2 * n + 1) * np.abs(mode_strength(n, kr))**2 return 1 / (4 * np.pi) * np.sqrt(p_N)
[docs]def binaural_coloration_compensation(N_sph, f, r_0=0.0875, w_taper=None): """Spectral equalization gain G(kr)|N for diffuse field of order N_sph. This filter compensates the high frequency roll of that occurs for order truncated SH signals. It models the human head as a rigid sphere of radius r_0 (e.g. 0.0875m) and compensates the binaural signals. Parameters ---------- N_sph : int SH order. f : array_like Time-frequency in Hz. r_0 : radius Rigid sphere radius (approx. human head). w_taper : (N+1,) array_like SH order weights for tapering. See e.g. 'process.half_sided_Hann'. Returns ------- gain : array_like Filter gain(kr). See Also -------- :py:func:`spaudiopy.process.gain_clipping` : Limit maximum gain. References ---------- Hold, C., Gamper, H., Pulkki, V., Raghuvanshi, N., & Tashev, I. J. (2019). Improving Binaural Ambisonics Decoding by Spherical Harmonics Domain Tapering and Coloration Compensation. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs fs = 48000 f = np.linspace(0, fs / 2, 1000) # target spherical harmonics order N (>= 3) N_sph = 5 # tapering window w_rE = spa.sph.max_rE_weights(N) compensation_tapered = spa.sph.binaural_coloration_compensation( N_sph, f, w_taper=w_rE) compensation_tapered_lim = spa.process.gain_clipping( compensation_tapered, spa.utils.from_db(12)) spa.plot.freq_resp(f, [compensation_tapered, compensation_tapered_lim], ylim=(-5, 25), labels=[r'$N=5, max_{rE}$', 'with soft lim']) """ c = 343 # speed of sound (m/s) k = (2 * np.pi * f) / c kr = k * r_0 # get aliasing free N > kr N_full = int(np.ceil(kr[-1])) gain = pressure_on_sphere(N_full, kr) / \ pressure_on_sphere(N_sph, kr, weights=w_taper) # noqa: E127 # catch NaNs gain[np.isnan(gain)] = 1. return gain
[docs]def unity_gain(w_n): """Make modal weighting / tapering unit amplitude in steering direction. Parameters ---------- w_n : (N+1,) array_like Modal weighting factors. Returns ------- w_n : (N+1,) array_like Modal weighting factors, adjusted for unit amplitude. Examples -------- See :py:func:`spaudiopy.sph.max_rE_weights`. """ w_n = utils.asarray_1d(w_n) a_n = 0 for n, w in enumerate(w_n): a_n += (2*n + 1) / (4 * np.pi) * w return w_n / a_n
[docs]def hypercardioid_modal_weights(N_sph): """Modal weights for beamformer resulting in a hyper-cardioid. Parameters ---------- N_sph : int SH order. Returns ------- w_n : (N+1,) array_like Modal weighting factors. Notes ----- Also called `max-DI` or `normalized PWD`. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs N_sph = 5 w_n = spa.sph.hypercardioid_modal_weights(N_sph) w_nm = spa.sph.repeat_per_order(w_n) * \ spa.sph.sh_matrix(N_sph, np.pi/4, np.pi/4, 'real') spa.plot.sh_coeffs(w_nm) """ c_n = np.repeat((4*np.pi)/(N_sph+1)**2, N_sph+1) return c_n
[docs]def cardioid_modal_weights(N_sph): """Modal weights for beamformer resulting in a cardioid. Parameters ---------- N_sph : int SH order. Returns ------- w_n : (N+1,) array_like Modal weighting factors. Notes ----- Also called `in-phase weights`, where :math:`w_{n, cardioid} = 4\pi*w_{n, inphase} / (N+1)` . Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs N_sph = 5 w_n = spa.sph.cardioid_modal_weights(N_sph) w_nm = spa.sph.repeat_per_order(w_n) * \ spa.sph.sh_matrix(N_sph, np.pi/4, np.pi/4, 'real') spa.plot.sh_coeffs(w_nm) """ c_n = np.array([(np.math.factorial(N_sph)*np.math.factorial(N_sph)) / (np.math.factorial(N_sph+n+1) * np.math.factorial(N_sph-n)) for n in range(N_sph+1)]) # Note: 4pi to compensate for correct normalization, unit amplitude return 4*np.pi*c_n
[docs]def maxre_modal_weights(N_sph, UNITAMP=True): """Modal weights for beamformer resulting with max-rE weighting. Parameters ---------- N_sph : int SH order. UNITAMP : bool, optional (default:True) Returns ------- w_n : (N+1,) array_like Modal weighting factors. Notes ----- Can be compensated for unit amplitude. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs N_sph = 5 w_n = spa.sph.maxre_modal_weights(N_sph) w_nm = spa.sph.repeat_per_order(w_n) * \ spa.sph.sh_matrix(N_sph, np.pi/4, np.pi/4, 'real') spa.plot.sh_coeffs(w_nm) """ c_n = max_rE_weights(N_sph) # This is an iSHT in the same direction as unit PW a = bandlimited_dirac(N_sph, 0, c_n) if UNITAMP else 1 return c_n/a
[docs]def butterworth_modal_weights(N_sph, k, n_c, UNITAMP=True): """Modal weights for spatial butterworth filter / beamformer. Parameters ---------- N_sph : int SH order. k : int (float) Filter order n_c : int (float) Cut-on SH order. UNITAMP : bool, optional (default:True) Returns ------- w_n : (N+1,) array_like Modal weighting factors. Notes ----- Can be compensated for unit amplitude. References ---------- Devaraju, B. (2015). Understanding filtering on the sphere. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs N_sph = 5 w_n = spa.sph.butterworth_modal_weights(N_sph, 5, 3) w_nm = spa.sph.repeat_per_order(w_n) * \ spa.sph.sh_matrix(N_sph, np.pi/4, np.pi/4, 'real') spa.plot.sh_coeffs(w_nm) """ c_n = 1/np.sqrt(1+(np.arange(N_sph+1) / n_c)**(2*k)) # This is an iSHT in the same direction as unit PW a = bandlimited_dirac(N_sph, 0, c_n) if UNITAMP else 1 return c_n/a
[docs]def sph_filterbank_reconstruction_factor(w_nm, num_secs, mode=None): """Reconstruction factor for restoring amplitude/energy preservation. Parameters ---------- w_nm : ((N+1)**2,), array_like SH beam coefficients. num_secs : int Number of SH beamformers. mode : 'amplitude' or 'energy' Raises ------ ValueError If mode is not specified. Returns ------- beta : float Reconstruction factor. References ---------- Hold, C., Politis, A., Mc Cormack, L., & Pulkki, V. (2021). Spatial Filter Bank Design in the Spherical Harmonic Domain. EUSIPCO 2021. """ w_nm = np.atleast_2d(w_nm) assert mode if mode.lower() in ['amplitude', 'amp']: beta = np.sqrt(4*np.pi) / (w_nm[0, 0] * num_secs) elif mode.lower() in ['energy', 'en']: beta = (4*np.pi) / (w_nm[0, :].conj()@w_nm[0, :] * num_secs) else: raise ValueError("Mode not implemented: " + mode) return beta
[docs]def design_sph_filterbank(N_sph, sec_azi, sec_zen, c_n, sh_type, mode): """Design spherical filter bank analysis and reconstruction matrix. Parameters ---------- N_sph : int SH order. sec_azi : (J,) array_like Sector azimuth steering directions. sec_zen : (J,) array_like Sector zenith/colatitude steering directions. c_n : (N,) array_like SH Modal weights, describing (axisymmetric) pattern. sh_type : 'real' or 'complex' mode : 'perfect' or 'energy' Design achieves perfect reconstruction or energy reconstruction. Raises ------ ValueError If mode not specified. Returns ------- A : (J, (N+1)**2) numpy.ndarray Analysis matrix. B : ((N+1)**2, J) numpy.ndarray Resynthesis matrix. References ---------- Hold, C., Schlecht, S. J., Politis, A., & Pulkki, V. (2021). Spatial Filter Bank in the Spherical Harmonic Domain : Reconstruction and Application. WASPAA 2021. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs N_sph = 3 sec_dirs = spa.utils.cart2sph(*spa.grids.load_t_design(2*N_sph).T) c_n = spa.sph.maxre_modal_weights(N_sph) [A, B] = spa.sph.design_sph_filterbank(N_sph, sec_dirs[0], sec_dirs[1], c_n, 'real', 'perfect') # diffuse input SH signal in_nm = np.random.randn((N_sph+1)**2, 1000) # Sector signals (Analysis) s_sec = A @ in_nm # Reconstruction to SH domain out_nm = B @ s_sec # Test perfect reconstruction print(spa.utils.test_diff(in_nm, out_nm)) """ sec_azi = utils.asarray_1d(sec_azi) sec_zen = utils.asarray_1d(sec_zen) c_n = utils.asarray_1d(c_n) num_secs = len(sec_azi) # Analysis matrix A = repeat_per_order(c_n) * sh_matrix(N_sph, sec_azi, sec_zen, sh_type) # Preservation property if mode.lower() == 'perfect': pres = 'amplitude' elif mode.lower() == 'energy': pres = 'energy' else: raise ValueError("Mode not implemented: " + mode) beta = sph_filterbank_reconstruction_factor(A[0, :], num_secs, mode=pres) # Reconstruction matrix if mode.lower() == 'perfect': B = beta * repeat_per_order(1/(c_n/c_n[0])) * \ sh_matrix(N_sph, sec_azi, sec_zen, sh_type) elif mode.lower() == 'energy': B = np.sqrt(beta) * repeat_per_order(1/(c_n/c_n[0])) * \ sh_matrix(N_sph, sec_azi, sec_zen, sh_type) else: raise ValueError("Mode not implemented: " + mode) return A, B.conj().T
[docs]def sh_mult(a_nm, b_nm, sh_type): """Multiply SH vector a_nm and b_nm in (discrete) space. Parameters ---------- a_nm : ((N1+1)**2,), array_like SH coefficients. b_nm : ((N2+1)**2,), array_like SH coefficients. sh_type : 'real' or 'complex' Returns ------- c_nm : ((N1+N2+1)**2,), array_like SH coefficients. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs spa.plot.sh_coeffs(4*spa.sph.sh_mult([1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], 'real')) """ a_nm = utils.asarray_1d(np.asfarray(a_nm)) b_nm = utils.asarray_1d(np.asfarray(b_nm)) N1 = int(np.sqrt(len(a_nm)) - 1) N2 = int(np.sqrt(len(b_nm)) - 1) N_out = N1 + N2 # get discretization points v = grids.load_t_design(2*N_out) v_dirs = utils.vec2dir(v) c_nm = sht(inverse_sht(a_nm, v_dirs[:, 0], v_dirs[:, 1], sh_type=sh_type) * inverse_sht(b_nm, v_dirs[:, 0], v_dirs[:, 1], sh_type=sh_type), N_out, azi=v_dirs[:, 0], zen=v_dirs[:, 1], sh_type=sh_type) return utils.asarray_1d(c_nm)