Source code for spaudiopy.decoder

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Loudspeaker decoders.

.. plot::
    :context: reset

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.rcParams['axes.grid'] = True

    import spaudiopy as spa

    # Loudspeaker Setup
    ls_dirs = np.array([[-80, -45, 0, 45, 80, -60, -30, 30, 60],
                        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 60, 60, 60, 60]])
    ls_x, ls_y, ls_z = spa.utils.sph2cart(spa.utils.deg2rad(ls_dirs[0, :]),
                                          spa.utils.deg2rad(90-ls_dirs[1, :]))


import copy
import multiprocessing
from itertools import repeat
from warnings import warn
import logging

import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial as scyspat
from scipy import signal

from . import io, plot, utils, sph, sig, grids

shared_array = None

[docs]class LoudspeakerSetup: """Creates a 'hull' object containing all information for further decoding. .. plot:: :context: close-figs ls_setup = spa.decoder.LoudspeakerSetup(ls_x, ls_y, ls_z) ls_setup.pop_triangles(normal_limit=85, aperture_limit=90, opening_limit=150) """
[docs] def __init__(self, x, y, z, listener_position=None): """ Parameters ---------- x : array_like y : array_like z : array_like listener_position : (3,), cartesian, optional Offset, will be substracted from the loudspeaker positions. """ self.x = utils.asarray_1d(x) self.y = utils.asarray_1d(y) self.z = utils.asarray_1d(z) if listener_position is None: listener_position = [0, 0, 0] self.listener_position = utils.asarray_1d(listener_position) # Listener position as origin self.x -= listener_position[0] self.y -= listener_position[1] self.z -= listener_position[2] # TODO: Better handling of this, e.g. not effective when updating hull: self.listener_position -= self.listener_position _, _, self.d = utils.cart2sph(self.x, self.y, self.z) # amplitude decay exponent self.a = 1 # Loudspeaker static gains self.ls_gains = np.ones(len(self.d)) # Available, but not used, yet # Triangulation of points self._hull = get_hull(self.x, self.y, self.z) self.points = self._hull.points self.npoints = self._hull.npoints self.nsimplex = self._hull.nsimplex self.vertices = self._hull.vertices self.simplices = self._hull.simplices self.simplices = sort_vertices(self.simplices) self.centroids = calculate_centroids(self) self.face_areas = calculate_face_areas(self) self.face_normals = calculate_face_normals(self) self.vertex_normals = calculate_vertex_normals(self) self.barycenter = calculate_barycenter(self) # All simplices enclosing listener valid per default for rendering self._encloses_listener = check_listener_inside(self, self.listener_position) self.valid_simplices = self._encloses_listener # VBAP self.inverted_vbase = None # populated by VBAP # see 'ambisonics_setup()' self.ambisonics_hull = [] self.kernel_hull = [] self.characteristic_order = None # some checks assert (len(self.d) == self.npoints)
[docs] @classmethod def from_sph(cls, azi, zen, r=1, listener_position=None): """ Alternative constructor, using spherical coordinates in rad. Parameters ---------- azi : array_like, spherical zen : array_like, spherical r : array_like, spherical listener_position : (azi, zen, r), spherical, optional Offset, will be substracted from the loudspeaker positions. """ x, y, z = utils.sph2cart(azi, zen, r) if listener_position is None: listener_position = [0, 0, 0] listener_position = utils.asarray_1d(listener_position) listener_position = utils.sph2cart(*listener_position) return cls(x, y, z, listener_position=listener_position)
[docs] def is_simplex_valid(self, simplex): """Tests if simplex is in valid simplices (independent of orientation). """ # find face in all faces in_s = np.isin(self.valid_simplices, simplex).sum(axis=-1) == 3 return np.any(in_s)
[docs] def pop_triangles(self, normal_limit=85, aperture_limit=None, opening_limit=None, blacklist=None): """Refine triangulation by removing them from valid simplices. Bypass by passing 'None'. Parameters ---------- normal_limit : float, optional aperture_limit : float, optional opening_limit : float, optional blacklist : list, optional """ if normal_limit is not None: self.valid_simplices = check_normals(self, normal_limit) if aperture_limit is not None: self.valid_simplices = check_aperture(self, aperture_limit) if opening_limit is not None: self.valid_simplices = check_opening(self, opening_limit) if blacklist is not None: self.valid_simplices = apply_blacklist(self, blacklist)
[docs] def get_characteristic_order(self): """Characteristic Ambisonics order.""" if self.characteristic_order is None: N_e = characteristic_ambisonic_order(self) if N_e < 1: raise ValueError else: N_e = self.characteristic_order return N_e
[docs] def ambisonics_setup(self, update_hull=False, imaginary_ls=None, characteristic_order=None, N_kernel=50): """Prepare loudspeaker hull for ambisonic rendering. Sets the `kernel_hull` as an n-design of twice `N_kernel`, and updates the ambisonic hull with an additional imaginary loudspeaker, if desired. Parameters ---------- update_hull : bool, optional imaginary_ls : (L, 3), cartesian, optional Imaginary loudspeaker positions, if set to 'None' calls 'find_imaginary_loudspeaker()' for 'update_hull'. characteristic_order : int, optional Characteristic Ambisonic order, 'None' calls 'get_characteristic_order()' N_kernel : int, optional Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs ls_setup.ambisonics_setup(update_hull=True) N_e = ls_setup.characteristic_order"Ambisonic Hull, $N_e={N_e}$") """ if characteristic_order is None: self.characteristic_order = self.get_characteristic_order() else: self.characteristic_order = characteristic_order if N_kernel is None: warn('Setting setup kernel order =', self.characteristic_order) N_kernel = self.characteristic_order if (not update_hull and imaginary_ls is not None): warn('Not updating hull but imaginary_ls position given.') ambi_ls = self.points if update_hull: if imaginary_ls is None: new_imaginary_ls = find_imaginary_loudspeaker(self) # add imaginary speaker to hull ambi_ls = np.vstack([ambi_ls, new_imaginary_ls]) # mark imaginary speaker (last one) imaginary_ls_idx = ambi_ls.shape[0] - 1 else: imaginary_ls = np.atleast_2d(imaginary_ls) assert (imaginary_ls.shape[1] == 3) # add imaginary loudspeaker(s) to hull ambi_ls = np.vstack([ambi_ls, imaginary_ls]) # mark imaginary speaker (last one(s)) imaginary_ls_idx = np.arange(ambi_ls.shape[0] - imaginary_ls.shape[0], ambi_ls.shape[0]) else: imaginary_ls_idx = None # This new triangulation is now the rendering setup ambisonics_hull = LoudspeakerSetup(ambi_ls[:, 0], ambi_ls[:, 1], ambi_ls[:, 2]) # mark imaginary speaker index ambisonics_hull.imaginary_ls_idx = imaginary_ls_idx # discretization hull virtual_speakers = grids.load_n_design(2 * N_kernel) # Avoid any extra calculation on this dense grid kernel_hull = get_hull(virtual_speakers[:, 0], virtual_speakers[:, 1], virtual_speakers[:, 2]) del ambisonics_hull.ambisonics_hull del ambisonics_hull.kernel_hull self.ambisonics_hull = ambisonics_hull self.kernel_hull = kernel_hull self.kernel_hull.N_kernel = N_kernel
[docs] def binauralize(self, ls_signals, fs, orientation=(0, 0), hrirs=None): """Create binaural signals that the loudspeaker signals produce on this setup (no delays). Parameters ---------- ls_signals : (L, S) np.ndarray Loudspeaker signals. fs : int orientation : (azi, zen) tuple, optional Listener orientation offset (azimuth, zenith) in rad. hrirs : sig.HRIRs, optional Returns ------- l_sig : array_like r_sig : array_like """ if hrirs is None: hrirs = io.load_hrirs(fs) assert (hrirs.fs == fs) ls_signals = np.atleast_2d(ls_signals) assert ls_signals.shape[0] == self.npoints, \ 'Provide signal per loudspeaker!' # distance attenuation relative_position = self.points - \ self.listener_position ls_azi, ls_zen, ls_r = utils.cart2sph(*relative_position.T) ls_signals = np.diag(1 / ls_r ** self.a) @ ls_signals # convolve with hrir l_sig = np.zeros(ls_signals.shape[1] + len(hrirs) - 1) r_sig = np.zeros_like(l_sig) for ch, ls_sig in enumerate(ls_signals): if any(abs(ls_sig) > 10e-6): # Gate at -100dB hrir_l, hrir_r = hrirs.nearest_hrirs(ls_azi[ch] - orientation[0], ls_zen[ch] - orientation[1]) # sum all loudspeakers l_sig += signal.convolve(ls_sig, hrir_l) r_sig += signal.convolve(ls_sig, hrir_r) return l_sig, r_sig
[docs] def loudspeaker_signals(self, ls_gains, sig_in=None): """Render loudspeaker signals. Parameters ---------- ls_gains : (S, L) np.ndarray sig_in : (S,) array like, optional Returns ------- sig_out : (L, S) np.ndarray """ ls_gains = np.atleast_2d(ls_gains) if sig_in is None: sig_in = np.ones(ls_gains.shape[0]) sig_in = utils.asarray_1d(sig_in) assert (ls_gains.shape[1] == len(self.points)), \ 'Provide gain per speaker!' return (sig_in[:, np.newaxis] * ls_gains).T
[docs] def show(self, title='Loudspeaker Setup', **kwargs): """Plot hull object, calls plot.hull().""" plot.hull(self, title=title, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_hull(x, y, z): """Wrapper for scipy.spatial.ConvexHull.""" return scyspat.ConvexHull(np.c_[x, y, z], incremental=False)
[docs]def calculate_centroids(hull): """Calculate centroid for each simplex.""" centroids = np.zeros((len(hull.simplices), 3)) for face_i, face in enumerate(hull.simplices): # extract vertices face v = hull.points[face, :] centroids[face_i, :] = np.mean(v, axis=0) return centroids
[docs]def calculate_face_areas(hull): """Calculate area for each simplex.""" face_areas = np.zeros(len(hull.simplices)) for face_i, face in enumerate(hull.simplices): v = hull.points[face, :] face_areas[face_i] = utils.area_triangle(v[0, :], v[1, :], v[2, :]) return face_areas
[docs]def calculate_face_normals(hull, eps=10e-6, normalize=False): """Calculate outwards pointing normal for each simplex.""" face_normals = np.zeros((len(hull.simplices), 3)) barycenter = np.mean(hull.points, axis=0) for face_i, face in enumerate(hull.simplices): # extract vertices face v = hull.points[face, :] centroid = np.mean(v, axis=0) # normal vector is cross product of two sides, initial point v0 v_n = np.cross(v[1, :] - v[0, :], v[2, :] - v[0, :]) # compare of face normal points in direction of barycenter criterion = + v_n - centroid, barycenter - centroid) # Make normal vector pointing outwards if criterion > eps: v_n = -v_n if normalize: v_n = v_n / np.linalg.norm(v_n) face_normals[face_i, :] = v_n return face_normals
[docs]def calculate_vertex_normals(hull, normalize=False): """Calculate normal for each vertex from simplices normals.""" faces = hull.simplices vertex_normals = np.zeros([hull.npoints, 3]) for p in hull.vertices: is_in_face = [p in row for row in faces] a = hull.face_areas[is_in_face] N = hull.face_normals[is_in_face] # weighted sum N_w = a[:, np.newaxis] * N vertex_n = np.sum(N_w, axis=0) if normalize: vertex_n = vertex_n / np.linalg.norm(vertex_n) vertex_normals[p, :] = vertex_n return vertex_normals
[docs]def calculate_barycenter(hull): """Barycenter of hull object.""" return np.mean(hull.points, axis=0)
[docs]def check_listener_inside(hull, listener_position=None): """Return valid simplices for which the listener is inside the hull.""" if listener_position is None: listener_position = hull.listener_position listener_position = np.asarray(listener_position) valid_simplices = [] for face, centroid in zip(hull.simplices, hull.centroids): # centroid to listener v1 = listener_position - centroid # centroid to barycenter v2 = hull.barycenter - centroid # listener inside if both point in the same direction if, v2) < 0: print("Listener not inside:", face) else: valid_simplices.append(face) return np.array(valid_simplices)
[docs]def check_normals(hull, normal_limit=85, listener_position=None): """Return valid simplices that point towards listener.""" if listener_position is None: listener_position = hull.listener_position valid_simplices = [] for face, v_n, c in zip(hull.simplices, hull.face_normals, hull.centroids): if hull.is_simplex_valid(face): if utils.angle_between(c, v_n, vi=listener_position) > \ utils.deg2rad(normal_limit): print("Face not pointing towards listener: " + str(face)) else: valid_simplices.append(face) return np.array(valid_simplices)
[docs]def check_aperture(hull, aperture_limit=90, listener_position=None): """Return valid simplices, where the aperture form the listener is small. """ if listener_position is None: listener_position = hull.listener_position valid_simplices = [] for face in hull.valid_simplices: # extract vertices face v = hull.points[face, :] a = utils.angle_between(v[0, :], v[1, :], vi=listener_position) b = utils.angle_between(v[1, :], v[2, :], vi=listener_position) c = utils.angle_between(v[0, :], v[2, :], vi=listener_position) if np.any(np.r_[a, b, c] > utils.deg2rad(aperture_limit)): print("Face produces critically large aperture: " + str(face)) else: valid_simplices.append(face) return np.array(valid_simplices)
[docs]def check_opening(hull, opening_limit=135): """Return valid simplices with all opening angles within simplex > limit. """ valid_simplices = [] for face in hull.valid_simplices: # extract vertices face v = hull.points[face, :] a = utils.angle_between(v[1, :], v[2, :], vi=v[0, :]) b = utils.angle_between(v[0, :], v[2, :], vi=v[1, :]) c = utils.angle_between(v[0, :], v[1, :], vi=v[2, :]) if np.any(np.r_[a, b, c] > utils.deg2rad(opening_limit)): print("Found large opening angle in face: " + str(face)) else: valid_simplices.append(face) return np.array(valid_simplices)
[docs]def apply_blacklist(hull, blacklist=None): """Specify a blacklist to exclude simplices from valid simplices.""" if blacklist is not None: valid_simplices = [] for face in hull.valid_simplices: if not all(elem in face for elem in blacklist): valid_simplices.append(face) else: print("Blacklist face: " + str(face)) return np.array(valid_simplices)
[docs]def sort_vertices(simplices): """Start the simplices with smallest vertex entry.""" out = np.zeros_like(simplices) for i, face in enumerate(simplices): face = face[::-1] out[i, :] = np.roll(face, -np.argmin(face)) return out
[docs]def find_imaginary_loudspeaker(hull): """Find imaginary loudspeaker coordinates for smoother hull. References ---------- Zotter, F., & Frank, M. (2012). All-Round Ambisonic Panning and Decoding. Journal of Audio Engineering Society, Sec. 1.1. """ # detect edges rim_edges = [] for face in hull.valid_simplices: # extract the three edges edges = np.zeros([3, 2]) edges[0, :] = face[[0, 1]] edges[1, :] = face[[1, 2]] edges[2, :] = face[[0, 2]] # detect if edge occurs once for edge in edges: occured_once = np.count_nonzero(np.isin( hull.valid_simplices, edge).sum(axis=1) == 2) == 1 if occured_once: rim_edges.append(edge) # Check that all rim vertices are connected unique, counts = np.unique(rim_edges, return_counts=True) if not (counts >= 2).all(): raise NotImplementedError("More than one rim found.") if (counts == 3).all(): raise RuntimeError("No rim detected. Consider not updating the hull.") # Zotter, F., & Frank, M. (2012). All-Round Ambisonic Panning and Decoding. # Journal of Audio Engineering Society, sec. 1.1 avg_valid_n = np.zeros([1, 3]) avg_d = 0 for face in hull.valid_simplices: # find valid face in all faces mask = np.isin(hull.simplices, face).sum(axis=-1) == 3 avg_valid_n += hull.face_areas[mask] * hull.face_normals[mask] avg_d += np.mean(hull.d[hull.simplices[mask]]) # r**3 seems necessary imaginary_loudspeaker_coordinates = -avg_valid_n / \ (avg_d / len(hull.valid_simplices))**3 return imaginary_loudspeaker_coordinates
def _invert_triplets(simplices, points): """Invert loudspeaker triplets.""" inverted_ls_triplets = [] for face in simplices: # extract vertices face (valid LS positions) v = points[face, :] v_inv = np.linalg.lstsq(v, np.eye(3), rcond=None)[0] inverted_ls_triplets.append(v_inv.T) return inverted_ls_triplets # part of parallel vbap: def _vbap_gains_single_source(src_idx, src, inverted_ls_triplets, valid_simplices, norm=2): for face_idx, ls_base in enumerate(inverted_ls_triplets): # projecting src onto loudspeakers projection =, src[src_idx, :]) # normalization projection /= np.linalg.norm(projection, ord=norm) if np.all(projection > -10e-6): assert (np.count_nonzero(projection) <= 3) # print(f"Source {src_idx}: Gains {projection}") shared_array[src_idx, valid_simplices[face_idx]] = projection break # found valid gains
[docs]def vbap(src, hull, norm=2, valid_simplices=None, retain_outside=False, jobs_count=1): """Loudspeaker gains for Vector Base Amplitude Panning decoding. Parameters ---------- src : (n, 3) numpy.ndarray Cartesian coordinates of n sources to be rendered. hull : LoudspeakerSetup norm : non-zero int, float Gain normalization norm, e.g. 1: anechoic, 2: reverberant valid_simplices : (nsimplex, 3) numpy.ndarray Valid simplices employed for rendering, defaults hull.valid_simplices. retain_outside : bool, optional Render on the 'ambisonic hull' to fade out amplitude. jobs_count : int or None, optional Number of parallel jobs, 'None' employs 'cpu_count'. Returns ------- gains : (n, L) numpy.ndarray Panning gains for L loudspeakers to render n sources. References ---------- Pulkki, V. (1997). Virtual Sound Source Positioning Using Vector Base Amplitude Panning. AES, 144(5), 357–360. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs ls_setup = spa.decoder.LoudspeakerSetup(ls_x, ls_y, ls_z) ls_setup.pop_triangles(normal_limit=85, aperture_limit=90, opening_limit=150) spa.plot.decoder_performance(ls_setup, 'VBAP') ls_setup.ambisonics_setup(update_hull=True) spa.plot.decoder_performance(ls_setup, 'VBAP', retain_outside=True) plt.suptitle('VBAP with imaginary loudspeaker') """ if jobs_count is None: jobs_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if retain_outside: assert (valid_simplices is None) if hull.ambisonics_hull: hull = hull.ambisonics_hull if hull.imaginary_ls_idx is None: raise ValueError('No imaginary loudspeaker. Update hull!') else: raise ValueError('Run LoudspeakerSetup.ambisonics_setup() first!') if valid_simplices is None: valid_simplices = hull.valid_simplices # inverted LS vector base if hull.inverted_vbase is None: inverted_vbase = _invert_triplets(valid_simplices, hull.points) hull.inverted_vbase = inverted_vbase else: inverted_vbase = hull.inverted_vbase src = np.atleast_2d(src) assert (src.shape[1] == 3) src_count = src.shape[0] ls_count = hull.npoints gains = np.zeros([src_count, ls_count]) if (jobs_count == 1) or (src_count < 10): for src_idx in range(src_count): for face_idx, ls_base in enumerate(inverted_vbase): # projecting src onto loudspeakers projection =, src[src_idx, :]) # normalization projection /= np.linalg.norm(projection, ord=norm) if np.all(projection > -10e-6): assert (np.count_nonzero(projection) <= 3) # print(f"Source {src_idx}: Gains {projection}") gains[src_idx, valid_simplices[face_idx]] = projection break # found valid gains else:"Using %i processes..." % jobs_count) # preparation shared_array_shape = np.shape(gains) _arr_base = _create_shared_array(shared_array_shape) _arg_itr = zip(range(src_count), repeat(src), repeat(inverted_vbase), repeat(valid_simplices), repeat(norm)) # execute with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=jobs_count, initializer=_init_shared_array, initargs=(_arr_base, shared_array_shape,)) as pool: pool.starmap(_vbap_gains_single_source, _arg_itr) # reshape gains = np.frombuffer(_arr_base.get_obj()).reshape( shared_array_shape) # Distance compensation gains = (hull.d[np.newaxis, :] ** hull.a) * gains if retain_outside: # remove imaginary loudspeaker gains = np.delete(gains, hull.imaginary_ls_idx, axis=1) return gains
[docs]def vbip(src, hull, norm=2, valid_simplices=None, retain_outside=False, jobs_count=1): """Loudspeaker gains for Vector Base Intensity Panning decoding. Parameters ---------- src : (n, 3) numpy.ndarray Cartesian coordinates of n sources to be rendered. hull : LoudspeakerSetup norm : non-zero int, float Gain normalization norm, e.g. 1: anechoic, 2: reverberant valid_simplices : (nsimplex, 3) numpy.ndarray Valid simplices employed for rendering, defaults hull.valid_simplices. retain_outside : bool, optional Render on the 'ambisonic hull', amplitude will not fade out with VBIP. jobs_count : int or None, optional Number of parallel jobs, 'None' employs 'cpu_count'. Returns ------- gains : (n, L) numpy.ndarray Panning gains for L loudspeakers to render n sources. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs ls_setup = spa.decoder.LoudspeakerSetup(ls_x, ls_y, ls_z) ls_setup.pop_triangles(normal_limit=85, aperture_limit=90, opening_limit=150) spa.plot.decoder_performance(ls_setup, 'VBIP') ls_setup.ambisonics_setup(update_hull=True) spa.plot.decoder_performance(ls_setup, 'VBIP', retain_outside=True) plt.suptitle('VBIP with imaginary loudspeaker') """ src = np.atleast_2d(src) assert (src.shape[1] == 3) # Treat VBAP output as squared gains g_sq = vbap(src, hull, valid_simplices=valid_simplices, retain_outside=retain_outside, jobs_count=jobs_count) # Get rid of potential numerical error g_sq[g_sq < 0.] = 0. # Renormalize g = np.sqrt(g_sq) g_norm = np.linalg.norm(g, ord=norm, axis=1) g[g_norm > 0., :] /= (g_norm[g_norm > 0.][:, np.newaxis]) return g
[docs]def characteristic_ambisonic_order(hull): """Find the characteristic order for specified loudspeaker layout. References ---------- Zotter, F., & Frank, M. (2012). All-Round Ambisonic Panning and Decoding. Journal of Audio Engineering Society, Sec. 7. """ _hull = copy.copy(hull) # projection for loudspeakers not on unit sphere _xp, _yp, _zp = sph.project_on_sphere(_hull.points[:, 0], _hull.points[:, 1], _hull.points[:, 2],) _hull.points = np.c_[_xp, _yp, _zp] # project centroids (for non-uniform setups) src = np.asarray(sph.project_on_sphere(hull.centroids[:, 0], hull.centroids[:, 1], hull.centroids[:, 2])).T # all loudspeaker triplets enclosing listener gains = vbap(src, _hull, valid_simplices=_hull._encloses_listener) # Energy vector of each center rE, rE_mag = sph.r_E(_hull.points, gains) # eq. (16) spread = 2 * np.arccos(rE_mag) * (180 / np.pi) N_e = 2 * 137.9 / np.average(spread) - 1.51 # ceil might be optimistic return int(np.ceil(N_e))
[docs]def allrap(src, hull, N_sph=None, jobs_count=1): """Loudspeaker gains for All-Round Ambisonic Panning. Parameters ---------- src : (N, 3) Cartesian coordinates of N sources to be rendered. hull : LoudspeakerSetup N_sph : int Decoding order, defaults to hull.characteristic_order. jobs_count : int or None, optional Number of parallel jobs, 'None' employs 'cpu_count'. Returns ------- gains : (N, L) numpy.ndarray Panning gains for L loudspeakers to render N sources. References ---------- Zotter, F., & Frank, M. (2012). All-Round Ambisonic Panning and Decoding. Journal of Audio Engineering Society, Sec. 4. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs ls_setup = spa.decoder.LoudspeakerSetup(ls_x, ls_y, ls_z) ls_setup.pop_triangles(normal_limit=85, aperture_limit=90, opening_limit=150) ls_setup.ambisonics_setup(update_hull=True) spa.plot.decoder_performance(ls_setup, 'ALLRAP') """ if hull.ambisonics_hull: ambisonics_hull = hull.ambisonics_hull else: raise ValueError('Run LoudspeakerSetup.ambisonics_setup() first!') if hull.kernel_hull: kernel_hull = hull.kernel_hull else: raise ValueError('Run LoudspeakerSetup.ambisonics_setup() first!') if N_sph is None: N_sph = hull.characteristic_order src = np.atleast_2d(src) assert (src.shape[1] == 3) # normalize direction src = src / np.linalg.norm(src, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] # virtual t-design loudspeakers J = len(kernel_hull.points) # virtual speakers expressed as VBAP phantom sources (Kernel) G_k = vbap(src=kernel_hull.points, hull=ambisonics_hull, jobs_count=jobs_count) # SH tapering coefficients a_n = sph.max_rE_weights(N_sph) a_n = sph.unity_gain(a_n) a_nm = sph.repeat_per_order(a_n) # sources _s_azi, _s_zen, _s_r = utils.cart2sph(src[:, 0], src[:, 1], src[:, 2]) Y_s = sph.sh_matrix(N_sph, _s_azi, _s_zen, sh_type='real') # kernel _k_azi, _k_zen, _k_r = utils.cart2sph(kernel_hull.points[:, 0], kernel_hull.points[:, 1], kernel_hull.points[:, 2]) Y_k = sph.sh_matrix(N_sph, _k_azi, _k_zen, sh_type='real') # discretized (band-limited) ambisonic panning function G_bld = Y_s @ np.diag(a_nm) @ Y_k.T # remove imaginary loudspeaker if ambisonics_hull.imaginary_ls_idx is not None: G_k = np.delete(G_k, ambisonics_hull.imaginary_ls_idx, axis=1) gains = 4 * np.pi / J * G_bld @ G_k return gains
[docs]def allrap2(src, hull, N_sph=None, jobs_count=1): """Loudspeaker gains for All-Round Ambisonic Panning 2. Parameters ---------- src : (N, 3) Cartesian coordinates of N sources to be rendered. hull : LoudspeakerSetup N_sph : int Decoding order, defaults to hull.characteristic_order. jobs_count : int or None, optional Number of parallel jobs, 'None' employs 'cpu_count'. Returns ------- gains : (N, L) numpy.ndarray Panning gains for L loudspeakers to render N sources. References ---------- Zotter, F., & Frank, M. (2018). Ambisonic decoding with panning-invariant loudness on small layouts (AllRAD2). In 144th AES Convention. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs ls_setup = spa.decoder.LoudspeakerSetup(ls_x, ls_y, ls_z) ls_setup.pop_triangles(normal_limit=85, aperture_limit=90, opening_limit=150) ls_setup.ambisonics_setup(update_hull=True) spa.plot.decoder_performance(ls_setup, 'ALLRAP2') """ if hull.ambisonics_hull: ambisonics_hull = hull.ambisonics_hull else: raise ValueError('Run LoudspeakerSetup.ambisonics_setup() first!') if hull.kernel_hull: kernel_hull = hull.kernel_hull else: raise ValueError('Run LoudspeakerSetup.ambisonics_setup() first!') if N_sph is None: N_sph = hull.characteristic_order src = np.atleast_2d(src) assert (src.shape[1] == 3) # normalize direction src = src / np.linalg.norm(src, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] # virtual t-design loudspeakers J = len(kernel_hull.points) # virtual speakers expressed as VBAP phantom sources (Kernel) G_k = vbap(src=kernel_hull.points, hull=ambisonics_hull, jobs_count=jobs_count) # SH tapering coefficients a_n = sph.max_rE_weights(N_sph) a_n = sph.unity_gain(a_n) # sqrt(E) normalization (eq.6) a_w = np.sqrt(np.sum((2 * (np.arange(N_sph + 1) + 1)) / (4 * np.pi) * a_n**2)) a_n /= a_w a_nm = sph.repeat_per_order(a_n) # sources _s_azi, _s_zen, _s_r = utils.cart2sph(src[:, 0], src[:, 1], src[:, 2]) Y_s = sph.sh_matrix(N_sph, _s_azi, _s_zen, sh_type='real') # kernel _k_azi, _k_zen, _k_r = utils.cart2sph(kernel_hull.points[:, 0], kernel_hull.points[:, 1], kernel_hull.points[:, 2]) Y_k = sph.sh_matrix(N_sph, _k_azi, _k_zen, sh_type='real') # discretized (band-limited) ambisonic panning function G_bld = Y_s @ np.diag(a_nm) @ Y_k.T # remove imaginary loudspeaker if ambisonics_hull.imaginary_ls_idx is not None: G_k = np.delete(G_k, ambisonics_hull.imaginary_ls_idx, axis=1) gains = np.sqrt(4 * np.pi / J * G_bld**2 @ G_k**2) return gains
[docs]def allrad(F_nm, hull, N_sph=None, jobs_count=1): """Loudspeaker signals of All-Round Ambisonic Decoder. Parameters ---------- F_nm : ((N_sph+1)**2, S) numpy.ndarray Matrix of spherical harmonics coefficients of spherical function(S). hull : LoudspeakerSetup N_sph : int Decoding order. jobs_count : int or None, optional Number of parallel jobs, 'None' employs 'cpu_count'. Returns ------- ls_sig : (L, S) numpy.ndarray Loudspeaker L output signal S. References ---------- Zotter, F., & Frank, M. (2012). All-Round Ambisonic Panning and Decoding. Journal of Audio Engineering Society, Sec. 6. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs ls_setup = spa.decoder.LoudspeakerSetup(ls_x, ls_y, ls_z) ls_setup.pop_triangles(normal_limit=85, aperture_limit=90, opening_limit=150) ls_setup.ambisonics_setup(update_hull=True) spa.plot.decoder_performance(ls_setup, 'ALLRAD') """ if hull.ambisonics_hull: ambisonics_hull = hull.ambisonics_hull else: raise ValueError('Run LoudspeakerSetup.ambisonics_setup() first!') if hull.kernel_hull: kernel_hull = hull.kernel_hull else: raise ValueError('Run LoudspeakerSetup.ambisonics_setup() first!') if N_sph is None: N_sph = hull.characteristic_order N_sph_in = int(np.sqrt(F_nm.shape[0]) - 1) assert (N_sph == N_sph_in) # for now if N_sph_in > kernel_hull.N_kernel: warn("Undersampling the sphere. Needs higher N_Kernel.") # virtual t-design loudspeakers J = len(kernel_hull.points) # virtual speakers expressed as VBAP phantom sources (Kernel) G_k = vbap(src=kernel_hull.points, hull=ambisonics_hull, jobs_count=jobs_count) # SH tapering coefficients a_n = sph.max_rE_weights(N_sph) a_n = sph.unity_gain(a_n) a_nm = sph.repeat_per_order(a_n) # virtual Ambisonic decoder _k_azi, _k_zen, _k_r = utils.cart2sph(kernel_hull.points[:, 0], kernel_hull.points[:, 1], kernel_hull.points[:, 2]) # band-limited Dirac Y_bld = sph.sh_matrix(N_sph, _k_azi, _k_zen, sh_type='real') # ALLRAD Decoder D = 4 * np.pi / J * G_k.T @ Y_bld # apply tapering to decoder matrix D = D @ np.diag(a_nm) # remove imaginary loudspeakers if ambisonics_hull.imaginary_ls_idx is not None: D = np.delete(D, ambisonics_hull.imaginary_ls_idx, axis=0) # loudspeaker output signals ls_sig = D @ F_nm return ls_sig
[docs]def allrad2(F_nm, hull, N_sph=None, jobs_count=1): """Loudspeaker signals of All-Round Ambisonic Decoder 2. Parameters ---------- F_nm : ((N_sph+1)**2, S) numpy.ndarray Matrix of spherical harmonics coefficients of spherical function(S). hull : LoudspeakerSetup N_sph : int Decoding order, defaults to hull.characteristic_order. jobs_count : int or None, optional Number of parallel jobs, 'None' employs 'cpu_count'. Returns ------- ls_sig : (L, S) numpy.ndarray Loudspeaker L output signal S. References ---------- Zotter, F., & Frank, M. (2018). Ambisonic decoding with panning-invariant loudness on small layouts (AllRAD2). In 144th AES Convention. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs ls_setup = spa.decoder.LoudspeakerSetup(ls_x, ls_y, ls_z) ls_setup.pop_triangles(normal_limit=85, aperture_limit=90, opening_limit=150) ls_setup.ambisonics_setup(update_hull=True) spa.plot.decoder_performance(ls_setup, 'ALLRAD2') """ if not hull.ambisonics_hull: raise ValueError('Run LoudspeakerSetup.ambisonics_setup() first!') if hull.kernel_hull: kernel_hull = hull.kernel_hull else: raise ValueError('Run LoudspeakerSetup.ambisonics_setup() first!') if N_sph is None: N_sph = hull.characteristic_order N_sph_in = int(np.sqrt(F_nm.shape[0]) - 1) assert (N_sph == N_sph_in) # for now if N_sph_in > kernel_hull.N_kernel: warn("Undersampling the sphere. Needs higher N_Kernel.") # virtual t-design loudspeakers J = len(kernel_hull.points) # virtual speakers expressed as phantom sources (Kernel) G_k = allrap2(src=kernel_hull.points, hull=hull, N_sph=N_sph, jobs_count=jobs_count) # tapering already applied in kernel, sufficient? # virtual Ambisonic decoder _k_azi, _k_zen, _k_r = utils.cart2sph(kernel_hull.points[:, 0], kernel_hull.points[:, 1], kernel_hull.points[:, 2]) # band-limited Dirac Y_bld = sph.sh_matrix(N_sph, _k_azi, _k_zen, sh_type='real') # ALLRAD2 Decoder D = 4 * np.pi / J * G_k.T @ Y_bld # loudspeaker output signals ls_sig = D @ F_nm return ls_sig
[docs]def sad(F_nm, hull, N_sph=None): """Loudspeaker signals of Sampling Ambisonic Decoder. Parameters ---------- F_nm : ((N_sph+1)**2, S) numpy.ndarray Matrix of spherical harmonics coefficients of spherical function(S). hull : LoudspeakerSetup N_sph : int Decoding order, defaults to hull.characteristic_order. Returns ------- ls_sig : (L, S) numpy.ndarray Loudspeaker L output signal S. References ---------- ch. 4.9.1, Zotter, F., & Frank, M. (2019). Ambisonics. Springer Topics in Signal Processing. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs ls_setup = spa.decoder.LoudspeakerSetup(ls_x, ls_y, ls_z) ls_setup.pop_triangles(normal_limit=85, aperture_limit=90, opening_limit=150) spa.plot.decoder_performance(ls_setup, 'SAD') """ if N_sph is None: if hull.characteristic_order: N_sph = hull.characteristic_order else: N_sph = hull.get_characteristic_order() L = hull.npoints N_sph_in = int(np.sqrt(F_nm.shape[0]) - 1) assert (N_sph_in >= N_sph) # for now ls_azi, ls_zen, ls_r = utils.cart2sph(*hull.points.T) Y_ls = sph.sh_matrix(N_sph, ls_azi, ls_zen, sh_type='real') D = Y_ls D *= np.sqrt(4*np.pi / (N_sph+1)**2) D *= np.sqrt(4*np.pi / L) # Energy to unity (on t-design) # loudspeaker output signals ls_sig = D @ F_nm[:(N_sph+1)**2, :] return ls_sig
[docs]def mad(F_nm, hull, N_sph=None): """Loudspeaker signals of Mode-Matching Ambisonic Decoder. Parameters ---------- F_nm : ((N_sph+1)**2, S) numpy.ndarray Matrix of spherical harmonics coefficients of spherical function(S). hull : LoudspeakerSetup N_sph : int Decoding order, defaults to hull.characteristic_order. Returns ------- ls_sig : (L, S) numpy.ndarray Loudspeaker L output signal S. References ---------- ch. 4.9.2, Zotter, F., & Frank, M. (2019). Ambisonics. Springer Topics in Signal Processing. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs ls_setup = spa.decoder.LoudspeakerSetup(ls_x, ls_y, ls_z) ls_setup.pop_triangles(normal_limit=85, aperture_limit=90, opening_limit=150) spa.plot.decoder_performance(ls_setup, 'MAD') """ if N_sph is None: if hull.characteristic_order: N_sph = hull.characteristic_order else: N_sph = hull.get_characteristic_order() L = hull.npoints N_sph_in = int(np.sqrt(F_nm.shape[0]) - 1) assert (N_sph_in >= N_sph) # for now ls_azi, ls_zen, ls_r = utils.cart2sph(*hull.points.T) Y_ls = sph.sh_matrix(N_sph, ls_azi, ls_zen, sh_type='real') D = (np.linalg.pinv(Y_ls)).T D *= np.sqrt(L / (N_sph+1)**2) # Energy to unity (on t-design) # loudspeaker output signals ls_sig = D @ F_nm[:(N_sph+1)**2, :] return ls_sig
[docs]def epad(F_nm, hull, N_sph=None): r"""Loudspeaker signals of Energy-Preserving Ambisonic Decoder. Parameters ---------- F_nm : ((N_sph+1)**2, S) numpy.ndarray Matrix of spherical harmonics coefficients of spherical function(S). hull : LoudspeakerSetup N_sph : int Decoding order, defaults to hull.characteristic_order. Returns ------- ls_sig : (L, S) numpy.ndarray Loudspeaker L output signal S. Notes ----- Number of loudspeakers should be greater or equal than SH channels, i.e. .. math:: L \geq (N_{sph}+1)^2 . References ---------- Zotter, F., Pomberger, H., & Noisternig, M. (2012). Energy-preserving ambisonic decoding. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 98(1), 37–47. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs ls_setup = spa.decoder.LoudspeakerSetup(ls_x, ls_y, ls_z) ls_setup.pop_triangles(normal_limit=85, aperture_limit=90, opening_limit=150) spa.plot.decoder_performance(ls_setup, 'EPAD') spa.plot.decoder_performance(ls_setup, 'EPAD', N_sph=2, title='$N_{sph}=2$') """ if N_sph is None: if hull.characteristic_order: N_sph = hull.characteristic_order else: N_sph = hull.get_characteristic_order() L = hull.npoints if (L < (N_sph+1)**2): warn('EPAD needs more loudspeakers for this N_sph!' f' ({L} < {(N_sph+1)**2})') N_sph_in = int(np.sqrt(F_nm.shape[0]) - 1) assert (N_sph_in >= N_sph) # for now # SVD of LS base ls_azi, ls_zen, ls_r = utils.cart2sph(*hull.points.T) Y_ls = sph.sh_matrix(N_sph, ls_azi, ls_zen, sh_type='real') U, S, VH = np.linalg.svd(Y_ls) # Set singular values to identity and truncate S_new = np.eye(L, (N_sph+1)**2) D = U @ S_new @ VH # Scale to unity D *= np.sqrt(4 * np.pi / L) # Amplitude to unity D *= np.sqrt(L / (N_sph+1)**2) # Energy to unity # loudspeaker output signals ls_sig = D @ F_nm[:(N_sph+1)**2, :] return ls_sig
[docs]def nearest_loudspeaker(src, hull): """Loudspeaker gains for nearest loudspeaker selection (NLS) decoding, based on euclidean distance. Parameters ---------- src : (N, 3) Cartesian coordinates of N sources to be rendered. hull : LoudspeakerSetup Returns ------- gains : (N, L) numpy.ndarray Panning gains for L loudspeakers to render N sources. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs ls_setup = spa.decoder.LoudspeakerSetup(ls_x, ls_y, ls_z) ls_setup.pop_triangles(normal_limit=85, aperture_limit=90, opening_limit=150) spa.plot.decoder_performance(ls_setup, 'NLS') """ src = np.atleast_2d(src) src_count = src.shape[0] gains = np.zeros([src_count, hull.npoints]) # Loudspeakers projected on unit sphere ls_points = hull.points / hull.d[:, np.newaxis] p = np.inner(src, ls_points) idx = np.argmax(p, axis=1) for g, i in zip(gains, idx): g[i] = 1.0 * (hull.d[i] ** hull.a) return gains
[docs]def sh2bin(sig_nm, hrirs_nm): """Spherical Harmonic Domain signals to binaural renderer. Ambisonic signals as N3D - ACN, i.e. real valued SH (time) signals. Parameters ---------- sig_nm : ((N_sph+1)**2, S) numpy.ndarray Input signal (SHD / Ambisonics). hrirs_nm : (2, (N_sph+1)**2, L) Decoding IRs matrix, 2: left,right (stacked), real coeffs, L taps. Returns ------- (2, S+L-1) numpy.ndarray Left and Right (stacked) binaural output signals. See Also -------- :py:func:`spaudiopy.decoder.magls_bin` : MagLS binaural decoder. """ assert (sig_nm.ndim == 2) assert (hrirs_nm.ndim == 3) assert (sig_nm.shape[0] == hrirs_nm.shape[1]) out_l = np.sum(signal.oaconvolve(sig_nm, np.squeeze(hrirs_nm[0, :, :]), axes=-1), axis=0) out_r = np.sum(signal.oaconvolve(sig_nm, np.squeeze(hrirs_nm[1, :, :]), axes=-1), axis=0) return np.vstack((out_l, out_r))
[docs]def magls_bin(hrirs, N_sph, f_trans=None, hf_cont='avg', hf_delay=(0, 0)): """Magnitude Least-Squares (magLS) binaural decoder. This binaural decoder renders the (least squares) binaural output below `f_trans`, while rendering a magnitude solution above. Parameters ---------- hrirs : sig.HRIRs HRIR set. N_sph : int Ambisonic (SH) order. f_trans : float, optional Transition frequency between linear and magLS handling. The default is None, which sets it to 'N_sph * 500'. hf_cont : ['delay', 'avg', 'angle'], optional High Frequency phase continuation method . The default is 'avg'. hf_delay : (2,), optional High frequency (additional) group delay in smpls. The default is (0, 0). Raises ------ ValueError When passing not supported option. Returns ------- hrirs_mls_nm : (2, (N_sph+1)**2, L) Decoding IRs matrix, 2: left,right (stacked), real coeffs, L taps. Notes ----- Details can be found in [1]. The iterative procedure in [2] suffers form HF dispersion (available by `hf_cont='delay'` and `hf_delay=(0, 0))`. This function offers multiple options to mitigate this issue. E.g. manually estimating and setting `hf_delay`, or estimating a phase difference on previous frequency bins which are then used to predict. This delta can be the spherical average `hf_cont='avg'`, which offers an algorithmic way to estimate the global group delay. It can also be estimated per direction when `hf_cont='angle'`, which is able to preserve group delay changes over the angle, however, might reintroduce more complexity again. For very low orders, there might be a slight tradeoff. References ---------- [1] Hold, C., Meyer-Kahlen, N., & Pulkki, V. (2023). Magnitude-Least-Squares Binaural Ambisonic Rendering with Phase Continuation. Fortschritte Der Akustik - DAGA. [2] Zotter, F., & Frank, M. (2019). Ambisonics. Springer Topics in Signal Processing. See Also -------- :py:func:`spaudiopy.decoder.sh2bin` : Decode Ambisonic streams to binaural. """ assert (isinstance(hrirs, sig.HRIRs)) if f_trans is None: f_trans = N_sph * 600 # from N > kr fs = hrirs.fs hrirs_l = hrirs.left hrirs_r = hrirs.right azi = hrirs.azi zen = hrirs.zen numSmpls = hrirs.left.shape[1] nfftmin = 1024 nfft = np.max([nfftmin, numSmpls]) freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(nfft, 1/fs) hrtfs_l = np.fft.rfft(hrirs_l, n=nfft) hrtfs_r = np.fft.rfft(hrirs_r, n=nfft) k_cuton = np.argmin(np.abs(freqs - f_trans)) Y = sph.sh_matrix(N_sph, azi, zen, 'real') Y_pinv = np.linalg.pinv(Y) hrtfs_mls_nm = np.zeros((2, (N_sph+1)**2, len(freqs)), dtype=hrtfs_l.dtype) phi_l_mod = np.zeros((hrirs.num_grid_points, len(freqs))) phi_r_mod = np.zeros((hrirs.num_grid_points, len(freqs))) # TODO: weights, transition, order dependent # linear part hrtfs_mls_nm[0, :, :k_cuton] = Y_pinv @ hrtfs_l[:, :k_cuton] hrtfs_mls_nm[1, :, :k_cuton] = Y_pinv @ hrtfs_r[:, :k_cuton] phi_l_mod[:, :k_cuton] = np.angle(Y @ hrtfs_mls_nm[0, :, :k_cuton]) phi_r_mod[:, :k_cuton] = np.angle(Y @ hrtfs_mls_nm[1, :, :k_cuton]) if hf_cont == 'avg': # get the delta (from prediction frame) n_delta = 5 assert (k_cuton > n_delta) # from spat avg delta_phi_l = np.mean(np.diff(np.unwrap(np.angle( hrtfs_mls_nm[0, 0, :k_cuton]))[k_cuton-n_delta-1:k_cuton-1])) delta_phi_r = np.mean(np.diff(np.unwrap(np.angle( hrtfs_mls_nm[1, 0, :k_cuton]))[k_cuton-n_delta-1:k_cuton-1])) elif hf_cont == 'angle': # get the delta (from prediction frame) n_delta = 5 assert (k_cuton > n_delta) # for each angle delta_phi_l = np.mean(np.diff(np.unwrap( phi_l_mod)[:, k_cuton-n_delta-1:k_cuton-1]), axis=-1) delta_phi_r = np.mean(np.diff(np.unwrap( phi_r_mod)[:, k_cuton-n_delta-1:k_cuton-1]), axis=-1) elif hf_cont == 'delay': delta_phi_l = 0 delta_phi_r = 0 else: raise ValueError("hf_cont method not implemented") # apply (additional) group hf delay delta_w = 2*np.pi*freqs[1] delta_phi_l = delta_phi_l - delta_w * (hf_delay[0] / fs) delta_phi_r = delta_phi_r - delta_w * (hf_delay[1] / fs) # manipulate above k_cuton for k in range(k_cuton, len(freqs)): phi_l_mod[:, k] = np.angle(Y @ hrtfs_mls_nm[0, :, k-1]) phi_r_mod[:, k] = np.angle(Y @ hrtfs_mls_nm[1, :, k-1]) # forward predict phase phi_l_mod[:, k] = phi_l_mod[:, k] + delta_phi_l phi_r_mod[:, k] = phi_r_mod[:, k] + delta_phi_r # transform hrtfs_mls_nm[0, :, k] = Y_pinv @ (np.abs(hrtfs_l[:, k]) * np.exp(1j*phi_l_mod[:, k])) hrtfs_mls_nm[1, :, k] = Y_pinv @ (np.abs(hrtfs_r[:, k]) * np.exp(1j*phi_r_mod[:, k])) hrirs_mls_nm = np.fft.irfft(hrtfs_mls_nm) hrirs_mls_nm = hrirs_mls_nm[..., :numSmpls] # taper last samples taper_taps = 32 hrirs_mls_nm[:, :, -taper_taps:] *= np.hanning(2*taper_taps)[taper_taps:] # taper first ? hrirs_mls_nm[:, :, :4] *= np.hanning(8)[:4] return hrirs_mls_nm
# Parallel worker stuff --> def _create_shared_array(shared_array_shape, d_type='d'): """Allocate ctypes array from shared memory with lock.""" shared_array_base = multiprocessing.Array(d_type, shared_array_shape[0] * shared_array_shape[1]) return shared_array_base def _init_shared_array(shared_array_base, shared_array_shape): """Make 'shared_array' available to child processes.""" global shared_array shared_array = np.frombuffer(shared_array_base.get_obj()) shared_array = shared_array.reshape(shared_array_shape) # < --Parallel worker stuff